Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I should start out by saying that I am planning to use this blog mostly to air out the things I turn over in my head and with my friends. It seems like writing them down would be a good way to track my thinking. I kind of have a tendency toward cataloging my processing.

Much of it will be political. Some of it will be poetry. Most of it will tackle my life, and how I see my experiences intersecting with privilege and oppression. A lot of it will undoubtedly be a little dramatic (I'm a girl who tends toward extremes, what can I say).

I have a lot of projects floating around too, and a lot of books that I'm reading. I also tend to think a lot about pop culture and the cultures in the often weirdly small and specific communities I'm apart of. I'll have a lot to say about that too.

And I have the good fortune of being surrounded by people who are ridiculously talented, so I'll probably show off some of their stuff too. In case anyone stumbles onto my little corner of the internet.

I'm taking an "it ain't much, but it's mine" attitude toward this whole blogging thing. At least for now.

I also really want to hear feedback from anyone who happens to read this. So please, leave comments and send emails! I'm brownskinnedpalimpsest[at]gmail[dot]com.

Here goes nothing, ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. you've come over to the dark side! slash, now you have no excuse not to comment on my blog, too. big love.
